We have 30 years of experience in road safety - and we want to share it with you - join our Safe & Eco Driving Academy
Highly skilled experts will acquaint you with the rules and regulation and give you a practical training session to learn about safe driving techniques in difficult weather conditions and how to react in case of emergency. We offer activities in real-life environment as well as experiments in a driving simulator.

Participants will learn how to brake and manoeuvre when traction is reduced and how to drive smoothly to further minimize the risk of a road crash. Everything under a watchful eye of experts and on our – our workshops are marked by safety by design. Our offer includes a number of sessions for professional skills improvement (advanced level) as well as fun team building activity for occasional drivers.
High fuel bills? Elevated fuel consumption means much more than a leak in your budget – but we have it covered. We teach about fuel efficiency techniques emphasizing road safety and the importance of reducing costs and pollution. This module increases drivers’ awareness about the impact of their driving style as well as road conditions on vehicle efficiency. Our experts share their tips and tricks to drive eco-efficiently without extending the travel time and how to seize the full potential of new technologies.
All activities can be tailored to the specific needs of your own organization – contact us to check what can we offer to increase the safety of your employees, their families and all other road users.